January 4, 2012


Today's weather was PERFECT. I went to Surfer's Paradise with a bunch of people and wow, I couldn't have asked for a better day. I'm kind of tired right now so to sum the day up, here's another bunch of dot points. I'm sorry. I'll stop using them soon.
  • Swam around with William and swallowed buckets of salt water
  • Laughed when Simon couldn't stand in the water
  • Lived with 7c in my savings for 8 hours
  • Got paid and had the happiest minute of my week
  • Broke my sunglasses
  • Clear blue skies with the perfect amount of wind
  • Built sand castles and gave up half way
  • Watched the guys play touch around a woman with a monopod who refused to move
  • Had a hilariously cringe-worthy train ride back inbound
  • Ate at Madtongsan II with some lovelies for dinner
  • Got home and saw that my new Canon 600D had arrived
  • Violently tore the box open and hugged it for the next 10 minutes
  • Named it Chase

I hope all of you are having a lovely week! ♥

1 comment :

Melody said...

The skies are so blue and pretty *___*! I want to go to the beach nowwwww.

I also want to see Chase 8D
